Customer Center

1:1 Inquiry

If you leave an inquiry, you will receive a quick reply.

  • ㆍMaximum 3 files can be attached.
  • ㆍValid extensions: jpg, gif, bmp, png, hwp, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, zip, pdf, txt, mov, mpeg4, mp4, avi, wmv
  • ㆍFiles containing personal information will be destroyed immediately after the consultation is completed. They will not be used for any purpose other than consultation.

Consent to information sharing

User consent for personal information protection (essential)

① Purpose of collection and use of personal information
   The Company collects and uses the personal information for the purpose of checking and processing the reported information.

② Personal information items collected

③ period of retention and use of personal information
   In principle, personal information is destroyed immediately after the purpose of collection or the purpose for provision is achieved.
   The user may not agree to the collection and use of the personal information. However, if you do not agree with this, you cannot 1:1 inquiry to us.

Inquiry upsurge If you do, answer processing is somewhat understand that there may be delays wish

덴올TV 럭키드로우 2021- 당첨결과